Monday, October 30, 2006

and an impromptu wastedness befell them all

silence, please

hear none, speak none, see none. ganz with her finger on the pulse as always

happy bday lilp. and sorry about La Miz

rachel revisited. allergies and all

Friday, October 27, 2006

sorry, mikey

mama ganz beat you to the slice of carrot cake that you made me lug for half a day around town...along with a bread maker...and a second ps2 controller...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

forget Bogie and Bacall

``Come on, Captain Oats. We both know something's up.''
now THIS is a screen couple to be reckoned with. Summer Roberts and Captain Oats. and now you know.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

something else we apparently got up to over the weekend that i don't even recall

dancing queens

footage courtesy of `MCMLXX' Hammer

wait, one more from the day after

this from the front desk people, who threatened to scuttle the entire surprise before crowbar gave them a real reaming. how sweet. maude special, anyone?


the orchestrators themselves, taking a well-deserved break (to order more alcohol) from talking about themselves and slagging off yours truly. next year i get a rice cooker and you get a wok, crowbar. miiichael, you get zilch if you insist on leaving us for more verdant pastures.

girl on totty girl action!

have we figured out who the phantom typist in teh background was? not the `ROOMMATE', surely?

sorry, albeo

i know you hate f for forcing you to drum up some good cheer, but i had to get you in, and look, you can't even tell which is you!

the inimitable naps

having seen the outtakes, i'm floored that you managed to keep it together long enough to film this exquisite bit of memorabilia. this is going down in the annals of maremma history for all time

thanks for the reminder of what to pack next time i'm in nyc

though it looks like you guys have a couple of pret-a-porters....too too much.

look wienick, you made the blog again

grandma g, way to rock the burkha. alicia, you're not coming to visit until i get my duddies. d, don't worry, mum and pum weren't allowed anywhere near the video.

no she di'nt!

oh yes she did. b flash almost single-handedly garnered an R rating (if not an NC-17) for Err...The Video. though the kids from across the pond and crowbar and miiiichael helped. look, she's about to do it again!

excerpts from `ERR..The Video'

Next Week on American Idol

guess who's coming to dinner? everyone after me, apparently

the margaritas are MINE! all mine!

who says you need a functioning shaker to shake up some of these bad boys? sign-up sheets for Becky Flash Margaritas 101 TBA

hey nappy, how was your snooze?

yeah, also quit blaming maude for the excess carbon dioxide in the car. mmkay?

resort to Plan B: hey, anyone got the keys to Maremma?

the hiccupy bday

i'm not one for verbose blogging, but this weekend (hiccups and all) deserved a real tribute. in no particular order, i'd like to thank the following contributors to this year's Oatsfest 2006:

-crowbar: for falling asleep, missing her plane, getting stuck in frankfurt and somehow still managing to orchestrate a RIDIC bday bash. thank also to taking up precious Err..The Video footage talking about YOURSELF.

--miiichael: for forgetting the keys to the country house, for driving like a stud, despite not being to open the faulty margarita shaker like a stud, for editing the funniest (and most cringe-worthy) video i've seen since johnny knoxville met bam margera, for ignoring crowbar while she talked about HERSELF. oh and also for disillusioning her of the idea of leaving maude to ME in her will. and for divulging the secret to a roaring fire: the liberal dousing of 100% alcohol definitely helps.

b flash: for ensuring the ERR video never gets seen by Nadia or Magdy. EVER. and for concocting the margaritas that reminded me that there's a reason i don't do tequila. oh, and for passing on that nasty bug. i love spending my bday in bed with a flu, as opposed to for any other reason.

gk1: for rocking some burkhas like nobody's business. and for planting the dubious seed of hooking up with either me OR kathleen in wienick's mind. (k: your lateness notwithstanding, i appreciate the effort, really). thanks for representing from the other side of the pond and for ensuring that certain other people that live in park slope NEVER get to see this video either.

london totties (sic included): for providing the girl on girl action (sic, you should maybe hang onto that spidey mask), and the confusion as to what the hell cat had on her head. (edit: a fireman's hat. makes PERFECT sense now. ERRRR).

naps: for being the evil, napping, gassy genius that you are. maude came clean and told us who the REAL culprit was, so you can drop the act next time we head up. and yes, there are a few salt & vinegar chips left.

the hairy culos: for auditioning for Italy's own American Idol. albeit unwittingly. and for further repelling me from the apricots of the world. thanks also for getting that `song' stuck in my head for the past two days.

thanks go out to many many more, but i've just used up my rant space til the next bday. thanks, grazie, shukran and ERRRRR.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

``he is no cashew!''

well i obviously wouldn't know....

yours, making her debut on sxg, the crowbar herself

etc. etc. etc.

Monday, October 16, 2006

sunday indian hangover + B Flash's third nipple

Friday, October 13, 2006

someone got KRAUSED! (TM)

imagine the DDR to be done on THIS!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

random drunkard 30 seconds later

after much prodding. poking, pinching and pushing, random drunkard gets ejected by bouncer

dena gets accosted by a random drunkard

a triflin' proposal

the quintessential family shot

with me and wienick as honorary ehrlichs

alicia, d and danielle

yes, she insisted on driving home

margaret ahn discovers the wonders of george's cherries

margaret for now overtakes her daughter as resident crazy asian lady.

introducing Gk1

many people = many funds

hannah the lovely near-bride

the fundraiser

gk1productions' ``cocoon stracool''

* courtesy of sicily

wendy darling

showing off the low-rent tenement housing her firm is gutting and rebuilding.

on set - where i nearly lost my sister her job

sitting directly behind this guy and his two cameras, during the filming of a nightclub scene where a stripper does a chair dance in *complete silence*, i feel a sneeze (or 10) coming on.
thank GOD he called CUT when he did. but if you hear a curious gasping noise in that scene, it's not the nightclub denizens getting hot and bothered, it's me trying to stifle a tsunami of sneezes.

geoff and dena as Donnellys

nyc again: d & g on set

Friday, October 06, 2006

vamping for david's new hometown

you know how we do

shopping in georgetown. david tries on christmas...i mean

d.c.: me, david and the watergate

checking david out in Dupont

Diva italiana en Dupont
Originally uploaded by alandete.

nostalgia for a decade ago

when i was a cartoonist in the making and when megan loved danny and bad religion

seattle: ``for the occasion're pretty.''

3 days that were 2 years in waiting. mega-babe, aka louise. my stomach hurts and i'm not sure if it's nostalgia....